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TAKE GRAB & GO BAG – See the Following for a list of items.



  • If family members are not in your home, make sure wherever they are (school, work), prepared a plan – along with a plan for you to reunite.
  • Designate a safe meeting place and “out of area” contact person.
  • Plan several evacuation routes from your home. If possible, plan more than one route.
  • Designate a safe meeting place and “out of area” contact person.
  • Relay your plans to the contact person.
  • Evacuate pets and livestock whenever possible, AND never turn animals loose. Take leases and small animal carriers.


  • Place vehicles outside the garage are pointing out.
  • Keep vehicle fuel tank above half-full during fire season.
  • Roll up the windows to keep out smoke and ash.
  • Close the garage door, but leave it unlocked.
  • Place essential items in the car.
  • If you do not drive, make other arrangements for transportation in advance.


  • Close all exterior doors and windows.
  • Turn off all pilot lights.
  • Place combustible patio furniture or other items in the house or garage.
  • Shut off propane and BBQ tanks. If you have natural gas leave this on, as the utility company will turn it off if needed.
  • Ensure all garden hoses are connected to faucets and attach nozzles set on “spray” Turn on outside lights.
  • Turn off the TV and radio.
  • If you have an emergency water source (pool, pond, etc..) and portable pump, clearly mark its availability so it can be seen from the street or place a note on your front door but turn off the pool or hot tub breaker. Water sources help firefighters.


  • Take pictures of the exterior and interior of your home and buildings, including contents. This will assist insurance adjusters. Then take a deep breath and remember to remain calm.
  • If you have elderly or disabled neighbours, make sure that you can also evacuate, but please ensure you can also evacuate safely.

NOTES: Mark down other items you may wish to take with you (i.e., family heirlooms, laptops, etc.)




EMERGENCY EVACUATION  KIT                                                         



[ ] 1 litre of water for each person

[ ] Favourite high energy snacks


[ ] Medications and a copy of prescriptions

[ ] Spare eyeglasses

[ ] Hearing aids and batteries

[ ] Small first aid kit

[ ] COVID Vaccination Cards


[ ] Toothbrush and toothpaste

[ ] Soap and/or hand sanitizer

[ ] Comb and/or brush

[ ] Toilet paper

[ ] Feminine hygiene products


[ ] Identification

[ ] Family emergency contact list

[ ] Copy of care card number(s)

[ ] Insurance papers and add pictures of your house and contents

[ ] Passport number(s)

[ ] Spare keys for house/car


[ ] Hand-crank flashlight  

[ ] Radio (with batteries)

[ ] Orange Garbage Bag (could be used as a poncho or for garbage)

[ ] Emergency blanket for each member

[ ] Small hoodie or jacket

[ ] A good whistle

[ ] Cash – coins and small bills


[ ] Some family pictures

[ ] Small games or stuffy for children


[ ] Baby Food

[ ] Baby Bottles

[ ] Infant Medications

[ ] Diapers

[ ] Baby Wipes 


[ ] Small Pet Carrier

[ ] Water

[ ] Pet Food/Water Dishes

[ ] Pet Medication

[ ] Pet Vaccination Documents

[ ] Leash, Collar and Pet ID tag

[ ] Pet Food and Treat

[ ] Small Pet toy or comfort

Be Prepared, Be Calm, Keep you, your family and pets safe.