Even though we suggest using the email apps provided by your device's operating system, sometimes you may not have access to these apps.
You are however able to access your e-mail from any web browser. All you need is an active internet connection.
The above link will forward you to our server provider IONOS.com. You will be in good hands as they are the largest web server provider in North America.
As noted above we suggest that you setup your e-mail using the power E-Mail apps provided by your Operating System. you can select the appropriate operating system below:
If you have any problems, we can schedule a remote access appointment. During this appointment we can connect to your Windows or Mac Desktop/Notebook or walk you through the iPhone/iPad or Android device. If you want to book a remote appointment, continue by:
For other operating systems, please contact us for detailed instructions:
For other operating systems, note listed, you can contact us and we will get you detailed instructions. If you need instructions for other operating systems or devices, please continue by: